Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to Wandering Thoughts!

With all my 100 domains registered, I never thought of creating another blog and even more a sub-domain under blogspot! Aside from that, I don't even have the time to maintain another one but still, I did! I now have Wandering Thoughts. ^_^

Why Wandering Thoughts? Well, being a woman and all, my mind continuously travel aimlessly. And since my mind wanders so fast, I even forget the things I have in mind especially the great ideas that came to me. I often forget to jot it down.

So, I decided to open a new blog that will serve as my journal. I will jot down all the ideas I have here and the topics I want to write and where. No stealing of ideas, OK? LOL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog!

    followed you on GFC =)


Thanks for visiting my blog. Care to share your wandering thoughts too? ^_^